Wednesday, March 21, 2007

assignment & blog

Since I couldn't find a place on the wiki to post my assignment (using Barnett), I'm going to post it here, and then move it over to the wiki when there's a space set up. I'm going out of town tomorrow and wanted to get this taken care of before I left.

It was interesting writing this assignment because I have a hard time articulating what I want my students to do, and why I want them to do it. This is still a draft, but I think it could be helpful. Certainly using Salvatori's suggestions is (over time) making me a better reader.

See assignment below.


[I chose to draw on the Salvatori article in Barnett because I’ve been trying to become a better reader myself, and found her techniques helpful. An assignment like this at the beginning of class may help students read more effectively, and use their reading more efficiently in a paper]

Assignment #1

Reading reflexively

Your homework for Wednesday will elaborate on the reading process we’ve been discussing. Instead of just reading this week’s assigned reading, you will respond throughout the text to the material. This means that I want you to mark up your text. Instead of just underlining a passage you think is important, I’m asking you to write (in words) in the margin, why you have underlined this section. Do you think it’s interesting? Do you disagree? Does this make you think of something else? When the author makes a statement you question, I want you to write your question in the margin. Think of this as an advanced heckling process; enter the author’s conversation and write your own questions, opinions, thoughts, etc. You will hand in your marked-up reading at the beginning of class on Wednesday.


Mrs. Van Til said...


Did you imagine shaping this into a formal paper, or is it intended as an informal preparation for a paper? Either way, I agree that it is hugely beneficial, and, like you, have my own troubles with reading.


Claire Schmidt said...

I was thinking about using this as an assignment to prepare the students for their first paper. Maybe making them engage with a text they were going to use as a source for their paper would be a more sensible way to structure the assignment. Forcing myself to do this is turning out to be really beneficial for me. It makes reading take longer but really helps in the long run, I think.