Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Will they love to read as much as me?

(Un)Fortunately—depends on the perspective, I do plan on having a significant portion of my course dedicated to assigned readings. Bean helped me to get over some of the apprehensions I did have about assigning readings (specifically criticisms), and exactly how much may be too much for freshman. Actually Chapter 7 has provided me with the most insight thus far out of all our readings. Readings are essential to my course; I imagine them going hand in hand with each assignment, both my formal writing assignments and exploratory assignments.
Two assignments I’m pondering to help assist students with their reading load (for which Bean has influenced my thinking) are reading logs and writing “translations.” Though reading logs do seem that they would be very time consuming, maybe a weekly post/entry about any given reading will be better. Giving students the opportunity to record their perspective of what they’ve read, along with room to express their opinions will help them to comprehend the readings more, as well as foster an open, respectful learning environment. As for writing “translations,” this could possibly go along with the reading log. Knowing how a student interprets a text will assist me with knowing what aspects of the text need to be better defined or analyzed as a whole. Also, it will helping in determining which direction discussions should go. Just my initial thoughts… Still working on them

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